
QPFA2022: Plastic Heroes

QUEERING PUPPETS FESTIVAL AMSTERDAM geeft het podium aan genre overstijgende vormen van beeldend theater en poppenspel. Een versmelting van ambacht en technologie, waarbij traditionele categorieën worden opgeheven voor het oog van de toeschouwer. Tijdens dit meerdaagse festival staan nu eens niet de mensen centraal, maar de dingen. Met welke karakters en objecten worden we omringd? Hoe wekt de verbeeldingskracht ze tot leven? De niet-mens zal voor het voetlicht treden in diverse, hybride vormen.

Plastic Heroes – Ariel Doron
“War is about to begin, now is the time to become heroes.

But the soldiers are plastic, the battlefield a table and home is just a distant image on a screen.

In a combat with no clear enemy or goal, the border between reality and fantasy blurs: Is this really happening, or is it all just a game? ”

Plastic Heroes is made entirely of ready made children’s toys, mainly those of soldiers, weapons and war. It also incorporates use of ipads, iphones and video. Desire, violence, sex, hate and fear are put on the table as the so called ‘naive’ toys are brought to life, and the innocence of child’s play encounters the bleeding reality of adult war. The show is a surprising, funny and fast paced collage of war images, and it manages to deal with hard and painful issues while giving the audience a funny, wild and refreshing puppetry experience. The show has been invited to more than 30 countries, and is intensively touring in Festivals and Theaters worldwide.